Pereh Beehive natural wildflower honey has a sweet and flavorful taste that is unadulterated by any added coloring, artificial ingredients, or additives.
The flavor of honey is influenced by the flowers that the bees visit and the overall growing climate. In the early spring, Israel’s first wildflowers bloom, and the different species continue blooming across the land until the last days of summer. Each flower lends a unique profile to Pereh’s natural wildflower honey, a true taste of the goodness of the land of milk and honey! The extended flowering season keeps the bees of the Holy land busy with the act of pollination and, along the way, gives us wonderfully fragrant honey to enjoy!
We love this fragrant honey drizzled on crackers and toast. It is the perfect way to sweeten herbal tea or even enjoy a spoonful when you need a sweet treat!
- 500 grams / 17.63 ounces
- 100% Pure honey
- Kosher l’mehadrin under supervision Bedatz Jerusalem and Rabbi Moshe Cohen, Har Hebron
- Kosher for Passover
- No added ingredients
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