Herbal Tea Blends Box
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SKU: SHT-14004 / Availability: In Stock /

Shalva Team premium herbal teas are inspired by native plants found in regions across the Land of Israel. Each unique, artisanal blend contains its own taste of shalva-Hebrew for calmness & tranquility.


  1. Arava Calm Relaxing desert chamomile blend, aromatic, sweet, and soothing
  2. Refreshing Galil Grounding olive leaf blend with refreshing lemon-scented herbs
  3. Jerusalem Harmony Gentle blend of Jerusalem herbs and flowers, with an ancient touch
  4. Ein Gedi Digestif Nourishing and warming blend, with fennel, cactus flower, and carob
  5. Soothing Elah Valley Fragrant and uplifting blend, with hints of rose and peppermint
  6. Carmel ForesTea Rejuvenating za’atar blend with bold and earthy forest flavors


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Herbal Tea Blends Box

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SKU: SHT-14004 / Availability: In Stock /
Herbal Tea Blends Box
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Meet the Producer

David Ross established ShalvaTea in 2015. Since then, he has been creating uniquely Israeli teas inspired by the wealth of healing herbs and flowers that grow near his home in the Jerusalem Forest.

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