Opening your Genesi Unbox Jerusalem interactive game is a multi-sensorial deep dive into Jerusalem’s history, culture, and beauty. Unbox Jerusalem is a family-oriented game that offers over two hours of fascinating exploration of Israel’s capital city.
Unbox Jerusalem is a perfect gift for any family that wants to spend time together having fun. It is appropriate for all ages and is what you will want on hand for rainy days when you need to keep everyone happy!
How it works
You will receive an instruction card inside your Unbox Jerusalem box.
- Visit the Genesi website to play your exclusive Unbox Jerusalem movie!
- Begin your journey through the hidden places of Jerusalem.
- You will be asked to pause the video and begin an activity at key intervals! Activities include wrapped souvenirs included in your Unbox Jerusalem box.
What’s in the box?
Included in every box are over 15+ souvenirs and surprises only available in Jerusalem and the Unbox Jerusalem box!
- Giant riddle map
- Five Stones Game
- Lion stickers
- Family bonding thankfulness activity
- Authentic good luck hamsa from the Jerusalem Mahane Yehuda market
- Israel’s Knesset (parliament) democracy activity item
- Classic, fun-size Israeli snacks
- Miniature Jerusalem menorah
- Ancient oil lamp replica
- Western Wall Envelope
- Traditional organic olive oil soap
- Authentic Ceramic Bowl from the Jerusalem Mahane Yehuda market
- Pomegranate Box from the Jerusalem Mahene Yehuda market
- Red bracelet from the Kotel (Western Wall)
- Developed and designed in Israel
- No plastic packaging
- 100% Recyclable materials
- Learn more here
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Genesi Unbox Jerusalem Interactive game
The Genesi Box project was initiated by Meital Wagshal, a director, producer, and content creator specializing in creating content for the Israeli Food Channel and the Israeli Travel Channel. When not creating content, Meital is a toy inventor!
Meirav was motivated to create family-friendly interactive games that would be fun and engaging and give families a deeper understanding and connection to Israel. The purpose of each Genesi Box is to help kids disconnect from their mobile phones and games and start having family-fun activities while discovering the best places, people, food, and culture the Holy Land offers.
Genesi Box’s core values are to help people experience Israel and learn about it from the locals, all while having fun with fabulous activities, awesome souvenirs, and delightful surprises.
Meital brought together a dream team to bring her vision for the Genesi Box to life. Each member of the Genesi Box team is passionate about sharing Jerusalem with people who love the Holy Land. Exploring Israel through the Genesi Box is a way to travel with your family to the land of Israel without leaving home.
The Genesi Box team includes Yoav Biller, a seasoned Israeli tour guide who knows the ins and outs of Israel with a specialty focus on the Holy City of Jerusalem.
Working with Meirav and Yoav is Eliav Alfasi, an Israeli artist and illustrator. Sharon Ychie, who focuses on visual communication design and is also a toy inventor, and Jessica Cohen, an olah (immigrant) from Argentina who now calls Jerusalem home.